Not going to lie these last couple of days have been extreamly frustrating due to the fact I brought my new laptop with me and had to go through registering it. For those of you at university you may remember having to do this back in September and how annoying it is. I'm still not 100% sure ive done it correctly, alas we'll have to see.
Anyway I digress, I'm SO looking forward to this year for many a reason A. I just bloody love university B. I know I actually have friends here now so I can see them whenever I want. Finally C. I might actually meet new people, I love the friends I already have but what wrong with meeting more? This semester I'll go out with my drama class more and meet some new people.
If this semester is half as good as the last one I'll be pretty chuffed, so yeah watch this space :)
Loving this post, really happy for you :)
ReplyDeleteNeed to see you SOON, beaut. x