I was looking at my stats and saw that someone had read my blog in America (thank you very much, how lovely) so thought I would explain that a pet hate is something small that really irritates you. Ova wise known in America as a pet peeve, (Michael Buckley taught me that.) Anyway I wont diverge any longer and begin to tell you some of the small things that grind my gears.
1. When people are late: I'm sorry but unless you have a valid reason I find it quite rude if you agree to meet someone somewhere and they arrive 15, 20 or 30 minutes late. There's no real excuse really I mean how difficult is it to get ready and meet someone somewhere? I can't think of anything I hate more than being ready to go out and just wondering around the house aimlessly waiting, Also the awkward sit down on the sofa I do when I'm waiting sort of watching t.v but to annoyed at someone lateness to pay attention. One specific time this occurred was when I had to get somewhere for a certain time and the person who wanted to go with me turned up at my house to give me a lift when the time period to arrive was pretty much over.
2. Being to early for something: I know this completely contradicts my first pet hate but there's something about being somewhere to early when it's not needed really annoys me. Everyone know's when a house party says be there at half 7 you don't turn up until at least an hour in when people have arrived and had a few drinks. My lovely friend Ash know's how much i dislike being early especially the time he turned up at 20 to 1 to go to class when it didn't start to 1.... no one wants to be waiting outside in the cold for 10 minutes.
3. People using/moving my stuff: I love my mum but this very much falls down to her. She likes to move my stuff (often very important things) to keep them safe and then forgets where she puts them. I know some of you will be like ''so selfish, I would love my mum to clean up after me'' I don't mind if she cleans my things but like moving to university has proven I will clean my room when needed, it may look like a mess to the naked untrained eye but I know where everything is.
Rikki speaks my mind
ReplyDeleteWhat Phil said. Also, I love that one of my posts inspired you. You're a beaut. x
ReplyDeletePS, I agree with every single pet hate of yours!