Monday, 4 February 2013

Fly hard, bitch.

After a year and a half of being at university I have finally decided to start playing Frisbee with the team here. I was previously a member of the glee club but I quickly lost interest in that as I found watching films on the day of practise would be much more important use of my time.

I was debating joining around this time last year but never got around to it as I didn't know where they practised, I wish I had done so as by this time I would be much more better player than I have now. But now I've finally done it and it's been one of the best decisions I have made.

I absolutely love it, the people there are great and the sport is ridiculously energetic and the entire atmosphere in the gym/ field where we play is just great to be involved in. However as I am new, there are loads of aspects that I need to improve in order to enjoy the game even more. This is why I have decided to list a few resolutions that I'm going to work on.

1. Don't panic when I have the disk. As I used to play football, one of the things we are taught is to not hold the ball for too long or it will be taken off you by an opponent. With Frisbee you have a total of 8 seconds once you've received the disc until you have to pass it to another team member. This gives you plenty of time to look around at where your team will be and to make a good pass, there have been a few times where I have thrown the disc almost straight away after receiving it and made a bad pass which has lost possession.

2. Try not to be too hard on myself. Very tricky one this, I want to be a good player and I find it hard not to be critical when I make a mistake. However I need to understand that I am new; everyone else has been doing this a lot longer than me and therefore had more practise than I have. Once you get into your head that you've done something wrong it can put you into a negative attitude which will effect you longer than if you simply brush off the error and improve the next time around.

3. Remember everyone's names. I have been to quite a few training sessions now and I'm still only able to remember a few people I've met names. I have no idea how I'm going to manage being a teacher and remembering all the students names. Fortunately for me people have nicknames on the back of their shirts which do help but I frequently find myself asking Grace who people are.

Me and Grace loving training.

There are plenty of other aspects that I need to work on including my general technique with the disc and the different ways that you can throw it. Also my fitness has been proven to not be top notch, there is a lot of sprinting involved in Frisbee which can be really shattering. These will all be improved though the more I play, which will be as often as I can considering how much fun I'm having. Yay, Fly hard!!!!