Friday, 4 January 2013

New Years Resolutions ...

HAPPY 2013!! New year, new me. Yolo. Dis is goin 2 b moi year oxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox.

It's that time of year where everyone decides that this is the year when they finally get their lives together; lose weight, get hired at your dream job, quit smoking etc etc. Although these are fantastic things to try and attempt, the unfortunate reality of it is that most people, including me, fail at sticking to their new years resolutions. In fact, last tear I didn't even bother to try and think of any as I knew I most likely wouldn't be able to accomplish them. 

However at this time of my life I'm feeling relatively positive about myself, my confidence is higher than it has been in a long time and therefore I've come with a few things I would like to accomplish in the new year, and I'm going to give a valiant effort to accomplish them. Positive thinking is half the battle anyway right? 

1. Be healthier. 
Pretty common one here, early January the gym's around the world are the busiest they are all year. However as the numbers of those attending gym sessions gets fewer and fewer as the year goes on, some people will stick to their promises to themselves and keep hitting the gym. I'm quite determined that I'm going to be one of these people. 

2. Visit somewhere new. 
I have Glastonbury festival and Camden town on my wishlist to visit in 2013. As well as a variety of Uni's around Britain. Last year I saw some parts of England that I hadn't before and wish to continue doing this as well as perhaps visiting a county I'm yet to. 

3. Try not to over think things to much.
This is one of my worst habits, over thinking scenarios that haven't even happened and making myself unhappy about the results. 

4. Do things that will make me happier.   
Seems simple enough however it's easier said than done, although I'm aware that this won't be possible all year with essays/ work needing to be done but I do wish to do more things that make me happier as a person. I've already started this by quitting my job at the place that made me resent the weekends. 

I agree with Ross, the sexy beast.

5. Try not to let little things bother me.
Some things in life just don't need to get angry about, I seriously just need to think 'will this bother me in a few day?' If not then there's just no point in ruining any part of your day with  negative thoughts. 

6. Meet some new people.
The people I've met since being at uni have been some of the best I have in my life, I couldn't have possibly found every single interesting person in Winchester. My intention to join the Frisbee team will be a good way to start this. 

these are my resolutions, If you have any yourself then good luck with them and hope you have a great year :)