This idea started last night when I went through my old Facebook profile ( I had to get a new one as I forgot the password for it.) When browsing through the wall posts lots of memories of what was happening at the time came back and what was sad was that the majority of the people writing them I haven't seen in years.
Now I know this isn't exactly uncommon, people change, grow apart and it's just apart of life. The fact is if I didn't stop becoming friends with people at certain times I wouldn't have become friends with the next set of people. Yet, it's strange to think about how close I was with certain people who now would probably have to think twice if asked what uni I went to. For example there was this guy and for a good couple of years I would have classed him as my best friend. Various shopping trips, sleep overs in his loft and banter about the size of his fingers and the size of my head ( sounds quite dodgy but was funny. ) I used to be able to just stroll into his house and now If I went there I would feel pretty awkward.
Next set of people Is actually quite sad, had been a pretty tight nit group for years. Every now and again we would have our disagreements, various girlfriends getting in the way and alcohol fuelled arguments. ( At one point fists flying) but overall we were close. Yet one day it came to an end, and not going to lie it sucks stop being close to the majority of your friends at once. Especially since they all managed to remain quite chummy, just minus a couple of members. Especially one member, who despite fall outs over girls and other things we always managed to make up, again at a time I would have classed him as my 'best friend' but now I can't even remember what company he works for, for all I know he could have quit.
The final person and me have a lot of history, she used to love me in year 9 when I was a 'chav', had various levels of friendship but at the end of all this she became my best friend. I just looked through our old conversations and again memories came back, she spent pretty much my entire 18th with me, walked through stormy weather to get Chinese food and we spent various evening slept on each others sofa's / floors / beds. Now it's sad we're not as close any more as in all honesty I adore this girl, she's one of the most funny, kind, and talented people I've ever met. And she's pretty good at making nacho's! I hope that I get to see her soon as It's been a while since we went shopping or watched a horror film.
Now I know this is getting long and you've probably got bored of my moaning, but before I end I just want to say to all the people I have spoke about this, it wasn't in any way a bitching / slagging off about the way we're no longer friends. In fact it's the complete opposite and a way of saying thank you for the memories, as I have had quite a few good one's in my 19 years. I hope you're all enjoying life at different uni's / colleges / jobs and in one case parts of the world. Who knows maybe there's still time for a few more in months we're back in sunny old Poole.
OK, final point. I can't post an entire blog about former best friends without mentioning my favourite people atm, the people I have met at uni honestly have had such an influence on me already and I adore you. I can't wait for the next 3 years with you all. But there's a guy at home still who need's a mention as he's been there throughout ( oop cheesy. ) In the past he was the but of everyone's jokes, but lucky for me he stuck around as nowadays he's one of the only people I am sure is going to be a friend for life. We have the same music taste which is pretty crazy, love of board games and finally just love the same weird shit like random YouTube video's. We can go weeks without seeing each other and then meet up and act like we've seen each other the day before, which in all honesty is pretty rare. So yeah, you're friendship is much appreciated.